Friday, May 30, 2008

ISPConfig preparation

I am trying to install ISPConfig, see this link for the preparation. I start at step 9.

I got trouble in step 12. Since this is VPS and the filesystem used is weird to me, I skip it first, see whether ISPConfig can still work without installing quota.

Today, I stopped at step 14. Continue later......

Monday, May 26, 2008

Upgrade dapper to hardy

After dapper image is loaded to my server, now the time for upgrade begin:

1. root@server:~# vim /etc/apt/sources.list
delete all lines, then type these:

deb dapper main restricted multiverse universe
deb dapper-updates main restricted multiverse universe
deb dapper-security main restricted multiverse universe

deb-src dapper main restricted multiverse universe
deb-src dapper-updates main restricted multiverse universe
deb-src dapper-security main restricted multiverse universe

2. run these commands to update your changes above.

root@server:~# apt-get update
root@server:~# apt-get upgrade
root@server:~# apt-get dist-upgrade

3. install update-manager-core.

root@server:~# apt-get install update-manager-core

4. do the upgrade, and follow the instructions there.

root@server:~# do-release-upgrade -d

5. you may clean up the packages archive using:

root@server:~# apt-get clean

Now, you have dapper upgraded to hardy. Time to play with my upgraded vps now!


There is a locale setting error occurs like in the previous vps provider. However, the soltion I wrote in the past is not working this time. I found new solution here:

Don't forget, in vps usually you access the server using root. If you have access other than root, don't forget to put sudo before the commands or sudo password root and sudo su.

Change VPS provider!

Since somehow paypal refused my payment to vpsfarm. I need to find new vps provider. I choose Quite good offer and great in handling tickets.

I start again my experience with vps. First of all, i install the ubuntu image. Old version, dapper, but I am planning it to upgrade to hardy.

Wait and see! ihost comes with LXAdmin cp, so i can just set my root password directly. Now, I could not wait to start my project with it.