Saturday, July 3, 2021

PowerShell not allow to run nodejs install

Following installation of nodejs managed by nvm for windows, I cannot run the node and npm in the Windows PowerShell unless run the PowerShell using administration access.

The solution is found here. answered Aug 30 '13 at 13:10 by Ralph Willgoss

For Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012, run the following commands as Administrator:
x86 (32 bit)
Open C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe
Run the command powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
x64 (64 bit)
Open C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
Run the command powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Now, node and npm can be run from the Windows PowerShell as normal user, no need administrator privileges.

NVM for windows installation is from here,


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Ubuntu apt-get not showing package list

 I got annoyimh issue when setting up the new server.The apt-get is not showing pakcage list when we press TAB. This article helps to solve the problem, Below is helping me to solve the problem.

# sudo apt-get install --reinstall bash-completion