Thursday, June 28, 2007

vps: webmin and usermin

Most people think that a console is the sys admin only tools. I am disagree with that. GUI is not that bad. Especially, for occasional sys admin like me :)

Webmin and Usermin are one of many good tools to do that. To install it do:

1. Get the latest debian packages, by simply run:
debian:~# wget
debian:~# wget

2. Then install their dependent packages:
debian:~# apt-get install openssl libnet-ssleay-perl libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl

[openssl is required in my vps, while I don't find it in the instruction.]

3. Now, you can install webmin/usermin package without error message:
debian:~# dpkg -i webmin_1.350_all.deb usermin_1.280_all.deb

4. also update your rc*.d and so webmin/usermin will startup correctly, and able to manage by using rcconf:
debian:~# rm -rvf /etc/rc*d/S*webmin*
debian:~# rm -rvf /etc/rc*d/K*webmin*
debian:~# rm -rvf /etc/rc*d/S*usermin*
debian:~# rm -rvf /etc/rc*d/K*usermin*
debian:~# update-rc.d -f webmin defaults 99 01
debian:~# update-rc.d -f usermin defaults 99 01

5. you can now log into your webmin interface by for webmin, and for usermin

Enjoy the GUI Server Management!


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