Thursday, May 28, 2009

Symfony of Love Day 1: Introduction

Why I called this project as Symfony of love? There are two reasons, first and the most important one is because I dedicated this project to my wife and second, I hope I can learn Symfony.


It has been few years that my wife is running her business from home. She sometimes asks for a software to help her in managing her business to replace her old excel system. I called it an excel system, since it is actually a system that is utilizing excel. Not the excel is the core of the system, but how she defined the procedures and utilized the sheets to do the calculation are the core of the system. Remember, excel is only the tool. One day, when we do not have access to excel, she can open and run it in OpenOffice Calc (good to hear!).


Create a system to help small business in managing stock, price and orders. I know there are many and probably better solution for her (and others) but making one for your special one is very special!!!


I make it as simple as possible for the version 0.1:

R1. The system shall be able to be used to manage the stock of a product including its location. A notification will be issued when an item has reached a certain level thus need to be reordered.

R2. The system shall be able to be used to manage orders from clients including the their payment information.

R3. The system shall be able to be used to help in calculating the selling price.

I know they are still very broad requirements and i will make them more detail and clear in the business case on the next day.

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